Associação Brasileira de Apoio e Desenvolvimento da Arte – Capoeira

Reza forte (Boa Voz)

13 Reza Forte

Se a reza é forte
  Do mandingueiro
  Deus é maior
  Não tenho medo

Se a reza é forte
Do mandingueiro
Deus é maior
Não tenho medo

Fez as suas orações
  Falou com a terra e com o ar
  Foi quando olhou pra mim
  E me chamou pra jogar


Rodou pernada pra lá
  Rodou pernada pra cá
  No jogo do embolador
  Eu não sei quem vai ganhar


Moço não bata no peito
  Quando for roda de rua
  No jogo da capoeira
  Outra hora continua


Na vida e na capoeira
  Nem sempre é como se quer
  O certo é ter Deus no peito
  Muita força e muita fé

If the prayer is strong
   by the mandingueiro
   God is greater
   I'm not afraid

If the prayer is strong
by the mandingueiro
God is greater
I'm not afraid

He did his prayers
   He spoke with the land and the air
   It was when he looked at me
   And called me to play


He played the legs over there
   He played the legs over here
   In the game of wrestling
   I do not know who will win


Younger don't hit in the chest
   If you're playing in a street roda
   In the game of capoeira
   Another hour goes


In life and in capoeira
   It is not always how you want to
   The right is to have God in the chest
   Great strength and great faith

Αν η προσευχή είναι δυνατή
  Από τον mandingueiro
  Ο Θεός είναι μεγαλύτερος
  Δεν φοβάμαι

Αν η προσευχή είναι δυνατή
Από τον mandingueiro
Ο Θεός είναι μεγαλύτερος
Δεν φοβάμαι

Αυτός έκανε τις προσευχές του
   Μίλησε με τη γη και τον αέρα
   Ήταν όταν με κοίταξε
   Και με κάλεσε να παίξουμε 


Έτρεξε εκεί
   Έτρεξε εδώ
   Στον αγώνα της πάλης
   Δεν ξέρω ποιος θα νικήσει


Μικρότεροι μην χτυπάτε στο στήθος
   Αν παίζετε σε roda του δρόμου
   Σε παιχνίδι της capoeira
   Μια άλλη ώρα ταιριάζει


Στη ζωή και στην capoeira
   Δεν είναι πάντα όπως θέλεις
   Το σωστό είναι να έχεις τον Θεό στο στήθος 
   Μεγάλη δύναμη και μεγάλη πίστη


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